Monday, November 19, 2012

Bathroom, part 2

So there's some controversy out there about taking books and crafting with them.  I've seen a few cutting comments about people who buy books based on the spine color so it will coordinate with a room. Eh, not my cup of tea but whatever floats your boat.  Another craft blogger/personality was savaged for taking brand new books and shredding them.

I did feel a bit guilty pulling these books apart. so much in the case of the two Nancy Drew books.  But another was Dicken's The Old Curiosity Shop and the fourth was Pearl S. Buck's Pavillion of Women.

I assuaged my guilt by recognizing the books were in bad shape, stained and with broken bindings and would have gone in the trash if I hadn't bought them. 

But I was kicking myself when I got around to pasting up the title page of Ambassador Dodd's Diary.  The name on the title page (Martha Dodd) was nagging me and then I realized I'd heard a review of a new book on NPR's Fresh Air.  The author, Erik Larsen, had read Dodd's Diary and written In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror & An American Family in Hitler's Germany.  It sounds like a fascinating story.  You can read/listen to that interview here.

Wish I'd read the Diary before pasting it about.  I did find someone selling a copy of it on-line...for less than 10 cents.

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