I've discovered a few interesting paint colors as I've scrapped the baseboards in our bedroom.
I like the deep blue-teal color. Coincidentally, it's a close match to a color I've been considering for the walls in the room (but with a neutral color on the baseboards). I guess it was to compliment some funky linoleum we found under the two layers of carpet and one of padding (all of which was pulled up to get to the spruce boards).
Another more recent discovery are the pocket doors between the living & dining room. We suspected the space had had them at one time. But a conversation I had with the former owner's son confirmed it. And the awesome news was that his father didn't remove them when they decided they didn't want to use them any more, he just pushed them back in to the pockets and sealed up the opening. So after dinner this evening, Greg took hammer and tong to the mouldings to reveal them.

Six-panel doors. They're 3' wide by 7'4" high! Solid wood, though we don't know what kind. And we're hoping the pulls on the doors (with keyholes!) are brass.