Friday, June 15, 2012

Good News, Bad News

Bad news first:  we didn't close on the house this week.  The sellers are still getting the survey finished.   So disappointing to miss having the weekend to do some work and clean.

The good news:  LILACS!!
We went this morning for the final walk thru (at 8:00am, thinking the closing would happen by lunchtime), and I've been dying to get in too see what the bushes out back were.  I had seen a single tiny purple bud back at the beginning of May.  Was hoping for lilacs but expecting something else (the leaves didn't look right for lilac).

And the two of them are massive; they come up a full story and will perfume the air over the deck.
Backyard in early May

Backyard now !

Lilacs peeking up over the deck.
Plenty of privacy now that it's greened in.

Here's hoping the papers are all in place for closing on Monday.


  1. Stunning! Not the modern hybrids either - good old fashioned lilacs.

  2. And now, all the blooms are fading. Smelled great while they lasted.

    Oh have to look up best way to prune them for continued health and blossoms.
